We set off tomorrow to head south to Rotterdam in search of Dutch rockabilly music, and then
Eindhoven to scope out the best
industrial design school in the business. Then we'll head down the Rhine river through Germany and France and finish the second leg of our trip in Basel, Switzerland. We've learned a couple things after the first bit; namely, that we both really hate to clandestinely camp. After a long day of riding, all you really want is a squishy bed where you don't feel there is a possibility, however remote, that lighter fluid could be poured over you while you sleep. So, we have planned out our route and pace beforehand and have organized couch surfing places to stay along the way. Thank heavens for couch surfing.

Ah yes, speaking of music. I wrote earlier about wanting to collect one album from each country that we go to on this trip. In Denmark, the representing band was Under
Byen. In Sweden, I learned that they are the third largest exporter of music, under Britain and America. We have all heard of Abba, Ace of Base, The Cardigans, and
The Hives, so for this country I nominate S
uburban Kids With Biblical Names, mainly because I like the name which was taken from a Silver Jews song. I think J
ens Lekman is my favorite Swedish musician but I knew about him back in the States. One of the criteria for this band search is that the band selected should speak in their native tongue, forget this English stuff. But seriously! It's really difficult to find a Swedish speaking musician, it's English all the way. One blog,
Swedesplease, is helpful in finding new music from Sweden.
Even though we've already been through Germany a bit, I didn't find any that I thought interesting and put it off till we go back later this week. For some reason I have gotten it into my head to find a Dutch rockabilly band. Kat's tattooist said that they had quite a large scene down in Rotterdam but that simply didn't exist in Amsterdam. Hopefully he's right.
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